
Cabernet Franc

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Origin: The red wine variety was probably selected from wild vines and has been native to the Bordelais (France) for centuries. 

Interbreeding: In 1997, the University of California (Davis) published a study in which DNA analysis showed a high probability of a relationship between Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc.

Characteristics: Cabernet Franc has an upright and very strong growth. The grape variety has a medium-late bud burst and therefore usually escapes the spring frosts. The grape variety is very susceptible to the vine diseases powdery mildew, downy mildew and grey mould.

Grape: The grape, mostly conical to cylindrical, is partly shouldered, small and loose-grained. The roundish berries are small and bluish-black in colour. The skin of the berry is extremely thin but firm.

Wine: Cabernet Franc produces wines that are less powerful and lighter in colour compared to Cabernet Sauvignon. They also show less bouquet and body. Cabernet Franc is often blended with Cabernet Sauvignon and then aged in barriques. The use of unripe grapes can produce grassy and unripe wines.

Cultivation: This variety shows strong growth and thrives well on poor soils. Nevertheless, due to its late ripeness, it is advisable to grow it in very good vineyard sites.

Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Franc Blatt

Vines Offer

Cabernet Franc

TypeCloneRootstockTrunk lengthRemarks Add to wish list
Cabernet Franc7 Gm-Truantℹ︎
5 BB
125 AA
Richter 110
1103 Paulsen
Normal trunk (ca. 30 cm)
High trunk (ca. 80 cm)
Half trunk (ca. 60 cm)
standard clone


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