

We produce the majority of our required rootstocks as table grapes in the varieties 125 AA (clone FR 26), SO4 (clone FR 78) and 5 BB (clone FR 148) in our own parent garden in Oberkirch. We obtain the remaining rootstock from carefully selected propagation farms. Every year, all the plants from which we obtain wood are intensively inspected by the breeder and by us. These checks include the general state of care, single-variety, wood maturity and, in special, the state of health with regard to fungal and viral diseases.

The rootstocks we use for our grafting combinations are exclusively pre-basic or basic material and have undergone extensive virus testing. Our strict quality controls guarantee the health and vitality of our grafts. We are your partner for healthy and high-quality planting stock!

Find out more about rootstock varieties now!

Rootstock varieties & their characteristics

Grape varietyDrought toleranceChlorosis resistanceActive lime toleranceGrowthSpecial properties
5 BBmedium-goodgood~ 20%strong
  • large soil adaptation width
  • especially suitable for permeable, light soils
  • not suitable for flowering-sensitive varieties on fertile, shooty soils
125 AAmediummedium-good~ 17%medium-strong
  • suitable for all locations, except for compacted and shallow soils
  • very good dryness tolerance on dry, easily warmed, deep weathered soils
  • sensitive to chlorosis on heavy, waterlogged soils
  • excellent phylloxera resistance on leaves & roots
SO4mediumgood~ 20%medium
  • requires fertile sites
  • weak growth on sites with a tendency to dryness & low fertility
  • reduces the risk of couluring in varieties that are sensitive to flowering
  • promotes fruit set with simultaneously more restrained shoot growth
Richter 110mediummedium~ 17 %very strong
  • promotes fruit set and shoot growth
  • long vegetation cycle, delays grape and wood ripening
  • mainly cultivated in the Mediterranean region
Binovamediumgood~ 19%medium-strong
  • good for calcareous, not too weak soils
  • very good performance with varieties sensitive to couluring
1103 Paulsengoodmedium~ 18%strong
  • good drought tolerance
  • does not tolerate waterlogging
  • suitable for deep, calcareous clay soils
  • good lime tolerance on weak, dry soils
  • mainly cultivated in the Mediterranean region
