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Origin: Auxerrois is a variety of the Burgundy group. The name is possibly derived from the county of Auxerrois between Burgundy and Chablis.

Interbreeding: According to genetic analyses, it is a natural interbreeding between the Heunisch and Pinot.

Characteristics: Auxerrois has a tendency to coulure during the blossom. The ripeness is early (before Pinot Blanc), the yield is medium and irregular because of the sensitivity to flowering. The yield level is below that of Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay.

Grape: The grapes are medium sized with a loose structure. The berries are light yellow, thin-skinned and turn slightly brownish when they have reached full ripeness. The taste is fruity-sweet.

Wine: The wine is full-bodied and Burgundy-like, but not as fruity and juicy as Pinot Blanc. It also contains less acidity than Pinot blanc. It is particularly suitable for dryness and as a blending partner of Pinot Blanc or Chardonnay.

Cultivation: It corresponds to the requirements of Pinot Blanc, i.e. it can be described as medium to high. It needs deep, well-aerated soils with good watering. Attention, the variety is sensitive to late frost! 


  • We carry the proven clone D 64 as standard in our variety programme. 
Performance data from the average of 1998-2002
Clone D 64
Must weight (°Oe) 89,9
Yield (kg/100m2) 121,2

Acidity (g/l)



Auxerrois Traube

Vines Offer


TypeCloneRootstockTrunk lengthRemarks Add to wish list
AuxerroisD 64ℹ︎
5 BB
125 AA
Richter 110
1103 Paulsen
Normal trunk (ca. 30 cm)
High trunk (ca. 80 cm)
Half trunk (ca. 60 cm)
standard clone


On our website you will find a selection of the most popular grape varieties, clones and rootstocks. If your desired grafting combination is not listed or you have questions about the grape varieties and clones, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you and answer your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!